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Showing posts from December, 2018

Daily Weirdness #2

Today I learned that the happiness which we try to find from the outside is actually within us and that we are the source of all the happiness if we wish to be happy then nothing can stop us, the thought of being unhappy or misery or failure or depression is actually lying only inside our head and therefore it can only be treated from within and not by any external agent. In reality, the external agent only provides temporary happiness by diverting our minds from the problem itself thus when the mind gets busy in other stuff it moves its focus from our prevailing problem and starts focusing on the external stimulus. But as soon as those activities cease and mind goes back to calm and idle state, it turns back its focus on the problems and miseries in order to sort it away and since we don’t know any means of solving those problems it keeps on thinking, that’s what makes us miserable in reality. BTW happy new year.

Daily weirdness #1

Life is so confusing all the time, with me always wondering what’s the point of life, is it money, is it love, is it respect, I never was able to resolve. People seem to believe what they know, and be content with it, whereas for me it’s never a small the task to believe in something unless I have a good understanding about it and to get that level of knowledge, it requires a lot of effort and authentic resources. I personally consider there are two kinds, one, the internet with its all might and the other being, us humans. Internet nowadays has become a big pool of information which is exponentially increasing overtime and finding useful or authentic information isn’t easy as it was once, And, as far as people are concerned, or especially the ones I usually meet, they don’t have the deep insight in the field. And, also one cannot start discussing everything with anyone. It’s always true that having incomplete knowledge is more dangerous than having none, and with me having only...

How I started to like Microsoft Edge Browser

How I started to like Microsoft Edge Browser while using chrome As most of us out there, I am the usual guy who used Microsoft’s internet browser only once and that for downloading the chrome browser, but recently as I was struggling to find a good pdf reader(hold your brains I will explain what does a web browser has to do with pdf reading) for my laptop, I tried many but finally decided to give chrome the crown in that field too, as it supports my trackpad very well for the navigation. My life was all happy with that with only one problem of inability to highlight the items, which was a big turn down for me. So finally, I gave Microsoft edge a try (with no expectation of finding anything worthy),. AND IT HAPPENED , the Microsoft edge was well with the trackpad experience and also it had features like highlighting and read-aloud even for pdfs, it was the best and elegantly designed pdf reader for my needs. As I mostly use the browsers on full screen, hitting that F11 fo...